How do I know if I’m choosing the right firm to assist me with growing and maintaining my digital presence? 

Here at Networds, our main goal is to help you achieve your business objectives using marketing goals. We have been in the industry for 15 years and have learned the dos and don’ts of digital marketing. 

Whether you are dealing with a small-scale project, such as a logo design or an email signature, or a fully-fledged digital revamps, the dedicated Networds team will muster up all our creativity and expertise to assist you to the best of our ability. 

Networds is a Google Premier Partner, this means that our firm has completed specialized certifications directly from Google in order to attest to our Google Ads capabilities. In fact, Networds was one of the first Google Premier Partners in the country. Being a Google Premier Partner carries a lot of perks, not just for our firm, but for all of our clients as well. Google Premier Partners are made aware of new features & processes ahead of other Google customers, we have access to special features & budgeting tools, giving all of our clients the upper hand!

Our team is made up of a diverse group of individuals from all types of backgrounds. Our team is relatively small, but boy, do we pack a punch! Each team member brings something different to the table, and is driven by their own forces – yet we work in complete synchronization with one another to achieve the objectives of each of our clients. 

Alexander Smith is the founder and owner of Networds. He is a driven individual, who is quick-witted and constantly has his eyes on the prize. He has the most experience with Google Ads, having traveled all the way to their Headquarters a few years ago, therefore, his Networds Superpower would definitely be the Google platform. He has a passion for thinking outside societal norms and dreaming big. Unlike most bosses, he has created a calm, flexible working environment that allows for the existence of an unlimited creative flow within his team. 

Chavonne Snyman has been with Networds for almost as long as Alexander has. She has a real passion for conservation. She loves the ocean and is an avid surfer, when not surfing, you can find her cleaning up the beaches. She has a real skill for examining your online presence & developing a full-proof plan to get you where you need to be. Her Networds Superpower would be Analytics, she has been in the industry for many years & knows exactly what to look for and how to fix it. 

Chante De Lange is the solution starfish of Networds. For every problem she encounters, she is almost always able to come up with at least five solutions. She has extensive knowledge and experience in the design field, as this was her field of study. She is a brilliant singer, she loves music and an impromptu trip to a wine farm. Chante’s Networds Superpower would be Design and Social Media Strategizing. She has transformed the social profiles of many of her clients for the better. 

Duane Mouton is a dedicated, focussed team player. He does just about everything but is a real Google master. He is a Google Search expert and is thus always looking for new trends and ideas to better the campaigns of his clients. Outside of work – he enjoys photography, cracking open a crisp new novel as well as surfing. Duane is relatively new to the team but has definitely put in a significant amount of effort in learning the tricks of the trade. His Networds Superpower is definitely Analytics, he has always had a real eye for detail & this is prevalent in his work for his clients. 

The vibrant, creative Networds team is excited to get started on getting your company to where you need to be. Get in contact with us today. We can’t wait to hear from you.

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Our diverse team will work dynamically & diligently to create a tailor-made plan, tending to the specific digital needs of your business.

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